
Breaking Boundaries: Gaza’s News and Design Team” gofundme”

Hello, I hope you are well. I would appreciate it if you could visit my donation link and learn about my story. Your help contributes to saving an entire team.

 Click here 👇👇     https://gofund.me/371f2dc


 Breaking Boundaries: Gaza’s News and Design Team”  gofundme gaza
In the bustling streets of Gaza City, where stories of resilience and hope intertwine with the sounds of daily life, there existed a dynamic team of journalists and designers. Lama, Mohammed, and Omar shared a common passion: amplifying the voices of their community through their news website and design studio.

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Despite the challenges of living under blockade and the devastating impact of war that destroyed the company they had tirelessly built, the team persevered. Not only was their company destroyed, but the infrastructure for internet and communication networks was also ruined, leaving them without work, homes, or offices. Despite these setbacks, the team remained resilient and refused to lose hope, striving in every possible way to continue their professional journey.
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However, financial constraints stood in their way. With limited resources and few opportunities for growth, the team found themselves at a crossroads. Life in Gaza is constantly at risk, and with the exorbitant travel costs from the Rafah crossing to Egypt, they couldn’t cover these expenses on their own. They needed help.
By launching a crowdfunding campaign, they shared their story with the world, aiming to raise the necessary funds to escape danger and continue their professional journey.
“Be a contributor to completing the work journey and dream of talented youth whose dreams and hopes were
shattered by war. Help save lives and talent. Your support helps rescue us.”
  •  gofundme gaza
  •  Free Palestine
  •  Gaza War
  •  Gaza Genocide
  •  Palestina
  •  Donate to Relief for the Children of Gaza
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  •  gofundme
 gofundme gaza

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